Aggie Tubas...
Regular readers here know I am a sucker for tuba music, even to the point I will play it myself if no one else will. Same with photos, here let me hold that tuba while you make my picture. I did not have to do that on my most recent visit to the campus of Texas A&M where there were quite a few folks holding tubas.
May be I can make those manure spreaders feel a little better after the loss to Arkansas
yesterday at the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium by putting these pictures up of the tuba section in all their glory. Kind of a contrast, a simple line of tubas, marching military style and a big huge mall like entertainment complex. Rumor has it the scoreboard/TV screen is low, did the tubas pass under OK? Did some kind of ugly music
deemed necessary to inspire the average Joe to consume more of advertised products drowned out some fine college band performances?
Maybe it's just the old subversive rearing his head, thinking that a few more tubas and a little less false grandeur and the associated cost might lead to. well who knows what, a health care bill, a cure for disease, poverty, an end to war and who knows what. Might be stretching it a bit tonight, I don't know. I do know that my old horn was made in 1936, apparently a fine year for tuba construction as it still does the job after all these years. May be like the Aggie football team, I am just happy with some consistency. Labels: manure spreaders, subversive, tuba
"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself
"Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
you thought I was after your job
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