Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign...

Seemed to be a familiar figure there, maybe the shrill talking heads are right. In addition to trying to pass a health care bill, stop the war and bail out the economy Obama is now trying to tell us what kind of cat fish bait to use. I was wrong though, not Obama and I figure any way if you could pull a shrill talking head out where you could check the skirt length or trouser cuff style you would learn way more about health, war and the true state of the economy than would be useful to know.
Back to the bumper sticker, J Pigg's is a current favorite cat fish bait in this house hold. I know we have a link on the blog side bar to Danny King's and old Danny has put the meat in the boat for us but we continue to try new things all the time. Fact of the matter is Danny King really does not have anything to do with his bait anymore, he sold the name. It's still pretty much the same stuff to me but there are purist who think not. You can get Danny's bait at the big box stores these day so back to the economy that means it may well be outsourced to a factory in China. Hope it has been well explained to the workers there by a bilingual person what it is that rural Americans do with this stinking stuff. Wouldn't want any wrong ideas about democracy to get started out there.
We do have another new bait in the boat right now as yet untried and it's made by Lewis King, who happens to be Danny's brother. I know by now it may seem like I am making all this up but the word on the street is that it is better. Lewis is suppose to mix it with his own hands.
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