Saturday, August 24, 2013

Songs to Calm the Baby...

Warren is pretty calm for a baby so I don't think that's what is going on here. It's just not needed. Warren is pretty advanced for a baby so I think what is happening here is that he is stealing Grandma's finger picking licks. He is just going to have to store them away till the time to use it comes.

I think that kind of thing happens to us all the time through life. When a person is young or at least when I was young there was a lot of searching, traveling around and general screwing around and up that seemed to add up to some vast invincible store of knowledge that at least I seemed to possess. I say at least when I was young because today you look at a phone, a TV, a computer, or pay a fee to do some of these kind of things. I guess this counts and is not a totally altogether different thing but as with the baby in the photo we as humans have a brain that is generally very powerful in terms of recording observed things, interactions, parallels and allegories of life. It is possible to do these things and still be unable to solve math problems.

So I guess I am saying that you  is that something learned maybe 35 years ago (and if you are under 35 you may still be out there in the woods) might just be a piece of a puzzle that you have left unsolved until just today. Of course like any puzzle you must have kept that first piece to be able to match it with the last piece.  If you are on your toes there are may pieces to gather in our theoretical time span of 35 years and that's the easy part because the hard part is knowing when to put your piece out there so it makes sense.

The songs Cathy is working on are from the new Jason Isbell CD. We highly recommend it. Warren does also especially if his Grandma is playing the songs.  

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