Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Enough About the Grandchildren How About a Day at the Dog Park...

In addition to keeping Austin weird Morgan and Ali keep some of my grand dogs. Here they take Nell and BD to the dog park. 
Used to I kind of make fun of the dog park and the people taking their dogs there. Maybe I was scared of the dog park and it was kind of like how you might not like other people if you are fearful and don't understand them and don't like them but I understand the dog park better since I been myself. My people seem to take their dogs there everyday and there is now one in Lufkin. I don't want someone to sic a dog on me or anything because of something I said or because I was afraid. Those big ones (the dogs not the owners) can smell fear. 

I noticed that all these folks at Morgan and Ali's dog parked seemed to kind of know each other and know each other's dogs and who was nice and which dog played well with other dogs and so on. It's a good place not only for the dog but for people also. 

Here is BD. That stands for Big Dog. He is smarter than he looks and plays well with all. He does like the water. 

This next photo is not as serious as it seems. The boys were just playing and they both like the water. 

Ali says "go play with Morgan. I am going to try and get Mary to jump through this hoop." Mary is having none of that. Just like me she insisted on getting a treat before she jumped. Don't know why she had that stick in her hand. 

After a good muddy play BD gets hosed at a state of the art dog washing station. He didn't like it. One time when Morgan was 4 years old and we were having a crawfish boil. We were having a nice wet spring  and he slipped off and played in a mud hole just like BD did. He came walking back up with only the whites of his eyes visible through a layer of good old East Texas gumbo mud. I was pretty much left with no choice but to hose him just like BD gets hosed here. Only difference I did not have that leash to hold on while Morgan bucked and jumped and liked it about the same amount that BD did his washing.  

This dog belonged to one of the other dog parkers. He was big, hairy and liked the mud also. I think he liked his washing but I was glad I did not have to do it. 


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