Wednesday, November 01, 2017


I'm not talking about signs that America is getting to be great again or anything like that but I walk around and make photos. Likely lately it has been photos of grandchildren but I try to keep my skills sharp for the unusual, the out of place and street art. Here's signs seen in Chicago.

I hate I missed this but like so may things I had to work, was out of town, went fishing but my heart is with you. 

1688# is a hip hop clothing company in Chicago. Their web site calls for injecting substance into a watered down street culture. 1688 is apparently the year the word "Chicago" came into use. Don't worry id you are a Trump fan. I note they also have art on the website depicting Mayor Rahm also so they look to be one of those actual barometers of if you have screwed up we are going to bring attention to it.  I don't know what this sticker might mean but I have often thought conflicts might be easier resolved if we all loaded up, went to the drive through at Dairy Queen and got an ice cream cone. Of course some will argue for Marble Slab. So it goes.  

This sign. I don't think I have seen it in Lufkin. I note that at most red lights in Chicago there are three lanes of traffic that wait for the change. There is the left turn, most of the time protected. Then there are the other two lanes that feed into a single lane on the other side of the intersection. That means that the cars have like 25 yards or less to form a single lane of traffic. I think loop 287 in Lufkin is maybe 28 miles long and during road construction it takes every bit of that to form a single lane. There for I think this sign means  "go around the asshole."  

It's the new fish and chips, tea and crumpets, or cheese and crackers. I am just glad I did not have to think of this myself. 

I don't know what this is. Maybe someone's band name?  You know there is not going to be anymore gigs if you get this, right? 

Lots of people from south of the border in Chicago. Always good food to be had. I like to do nine meals at nine different Mexican restaurants in nine days. It's like a prayer that I call it the Mexican Food Novena. If you remember there were lots of European immigrants and of course their food is here and then the blues came right up Highway 61 and food came with that also. People move, people cook and people pray. It's a sign.  



Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, Carl! I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check out my blog post at
for instructions for accepting and nominating others. Great way to promote your own and others blogs!

5:12 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

Hey, thanks. I am humbled!

10:50 AM  

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