Thursday, October 12, 2017

Randolph Street Market...

With the birth of another grandchild in Chicago there is no end to the trips of the future (band name alert) to that area. There is little end to the amusements of the city and this last visit we went to the Randolph Street Market for an afternoon. 

This market is an event that runs in the summer. It's artists, music, food, vintage clothing and other antique goods. Not really a cheap afternoon, admission is a tener and you can buy a season pass if you want to visit multiple weekends.

Cathy, Katie and Peter cruise the inside booths. Vintage clothing is pricy and there were a lot of stuff in wool. If I was in Chicago much in the winter I think I would have bought something. Hard to find big guys sizes sometimes in the vintage racks but there seem to be things that fit and were affordable. I did spot a 1930 mackinaw priced at $270. A little steep but in mint condition I'd be styling. If I ever needed to dress right, I know where to look. 

I did not get a photo of the outside vendors but there was a little stage with music. Here is a bluegrass band I saw. 

Next up was a Chicago blues band. I didn't get the names of these groups but they were smooth and tuneful and I tossed money to the tip jar for the privilege of making photos. Pay the players! 

So my haul for the day? Since the weather was hotter than usual I scored a pretty nice African straw hat, bought from real Africans quickly on arrival to prevent sunburn to my ever more visible scalp. Cathy even said it fit well and she don't say that about many of my hats. Other finds were a western string tie, not vintage but cheaper than brand new at the western store, a silver bracelet that actually fits my big old wrist and a water buffalo skin man purse from Nepal that hold my camera, extra batteries and phone real comfortably.

Recalls me a story of how one time the band Devo was going to collaborate with rock/folk singer Neil Young on a video or movie. They were instructed to buy costumes and save the receipts for reimbursement. Being from some kind of thrifty garage rock roots Devo went to K-Mart and spent something like $113.50. I think things were pretty strange like salad bowls for hats and such. My hat is better than that and I did not even come very close to the $113.50.       



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