Friday, July 27, 2018

More Canoe...

It's been a good summer for the canoe. I think I've lost count of how many times I have had it out and it has even had a hand in producing a couple of fish dinners. These photos are from a Wednesday  afternoon trip. I took a quick dip to cool off before I started paddling and the water temp was about like bathwater. 

I did not keep and fish today, just Catch Photo and Release (CPR) so none of these are swimming in my belly. All fish, 3 bream and 5 bass were caught on the ultra light lure you see here, some kind rattle tap/hotspot knock off in a small size. The water was loaded with small minnows or shad just about the size of that lure. 

Here is the beat bass and biggest bream. This was the only keeper bass. The rest were undersize. I did get my light tackle 4# test line broken by something that latched on with about 5' of line out. That was not enough on the light tackle to play and tire what ever it was. Lucky the  little lure I was using came in a six pack. They knew you would loose some. 

Moon rise on the lake. 

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