Friday, August 10, 2018

Small Water Fishing Report...

We made a trip to Pop and Geneva's yesterday. While Cathy took the opportunity to shop sewing materials in nearby Conroe I took the opportunity to check out the pond to see what lurked in still quiet waters. It turned out that there were quiet a few lurkers. 

After sitting out a bit of afternoon rain I made my way down and while it was a bit steamy with humidity and I think the shower freshened things up a bit. A power  line crosses the pond and note the herbicide sprayed to keep right away growth down. I guess that is the way of the world. Seems that spraying is so notable on fence rows and pipelines in East Texas that it goes without comment. Just another one of those birds to come to roost sooner or later.   

I probably caught 20-30 of these fat boys and girls. They were hungry for a yellow beetle spin in the 1/32 ounce size. Later on after this jig body and been mauled beyond use I switched to the minnow style that has been my go to light tackle bait on Rayburn this year and while they hit it maybe not as good as yellow.  

Also caught about 10 bass anywhere from about six inches long up to this size with one about 14" lost at the bank. Last couple of light tackle trips I have also caught fish on a little mini size hot spot type lure you see here. The bass really liked it and so did quite a few bream.  

The beetle spin, developed by a fisherman named Virgil Ward in the late 1950s is sized just right to fit right in a bream's mouth. He sees it and thinks it's the perfect bite of goodie. 

Looks like from the size of that mouth he might need a few extra minnows to fill him out. 

Bit of unusual color on this fish. I think that Bill might have had some of the hybrid bream stocked at one time but this does not seem to match any photos I find. All fish on this trip were CPRed, caught photoed and released.  

Good luck to all you would be pond fisherman. They are biting but old Mudbelly done lipped every thing here so you best move along. 

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