Sunday, October 21, 2018

Big blue cats...

Cool day on the lake and we spent it floating the pool noodles to see if we could catch a big blue cat feeding up for the winter. 

You do know what we mean when we say floating noodles I hope. Take a kids pool noodle, cut it in several short lengths, tie a drop line with hook and weight and toss it over the side of the boat to float till a fish bites. Kind of like the James McMurtry song where he mentions catching a big old blue cat on a drifting jug line but in our case there are no connotations of meth, automatic weapons or incest. 

Cathy and her brother Matt hold up a fish. We had 7 cats today up to 4 pounds. 

Matt holds up one. When the noodle starts pulling up and down in the water your run the boat up there and using a hook on a stick, snag the line and then net the fish. It's kind of a good old man against beast struggle at the side of the boat. 

We had good bait today. A half dozen or so cast net throws at the boat ramp captured small sunfish, threadfin and gizzard shad. 

Of course some of these guys are swimming in our belly. 

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