Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The After Work Canoeist...

Hey it's Friday for me. I celebrated by getting home from work and tossing the canoe into the truck and heading for the lake. There was a bit more wind than I expected from the look of conditions on leaving the house but I was able to find a nice sheltered spot, very shallow that held some nice bream. 

I really wanted to fish one of those plastic frog baits for bass. I got one strike on the frog and then fell back on the thing that always works for me. 

This small spinner bait was designed by a Cajun down south of I-10 to fit just exactly into a breams mouth. 

Now I know this guy could have got a whole sporting goods store shelf of these baits down with one swallow but he delicately picked up on this little bait and I horsed him in with a much muscle as I could manage in the shallow, brushy water with 8 pound test line. 

I think I ended with about 10 bream and the one bass, all fish CPR (caught photoed and released) to fight another day. It really was a quick trip and there was about a 20 minute period in this little spot where no cast went unchallenged. 

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