Thursday, June 27, 2019

Just Swinging...

I have a power spot. I sit in it all the time and have been accused of spending too much time in it. 

You might remember way back when I found this power spot. I had an old couch that I placed on it. That's been 35 years or so ago when things were bright, magical and shiny and we sat around the power spot, passing guitars around, singing songs and telling our stories. Once when me and Cathy were just acquaintances we sat on the couch one of these evenings in a company of friends and after a period of time we each became aware she was holding my foot as I sat cross legged on the ragged piece of furniture. A few years later we began dating and this week marked 30 years of marriage. Don't think though that you can head over here and maybe enter the power spot (yes I can still sit cross legged) hold my foot and have magicial things happen for you. 

I don't recall what happened to the couch. That's kind of bad because disposing of a couch usually leaves a carbon footprint of some kind, gas burned to haul it off, a fire in the back yard sending up billowing stinking clouds of smoke from burned polyester fabrics or maybe just an old pile of springs left from the process of rot that the East Texas forest could not claim. 

Somewhere along the way the couch was replaced by the porch swing that now occupies the power spot. My kids probably won't remember the couch or a time when there was not a swing there, or a time that we did not gather and pass guitars and stories. There are still bright, shiny and magical times that happen there. As usually though many of them happen when I am alone because probably when it comes down to it I have spent quite a bit of time, some might say too much studying things as they are, sitting on this swing, this spot of thinking, this place that's my own. 

Now you see a squirrel has began to occupy the power spot. I know what he's thinking. That man will come out and bring sunflower seeds. He's becoming good company and at the rate we are going one day I think he will let me hold his foot. 


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