Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Family fishing...

It has come to my attention that there are a lot of folks that run around the lake with thousands of dollars worth of electronics scoping out various fish habitats, natural and man made. If they don't see fish they don't cast. Now don't get me wrong I would love such a set up and do use a modest depth finder when fishing but for the most part I am pretty much a Neanderthal when it comes to finding a place to gather up some fish. It's just check the depth, look at the water, the wind and the land nearby and say, "let's try here." 

We did not catch a whole bunch of fish this week and not a lot of big ones but we did have good enough success for a bunch of people fishing a part of the lake that was unfamiliar to us. It just goes to show once again that there are a lot of fish in the lake and that the old ways still work. 

Morgan lands a bass

Father and son double. 

Mo bass. 

A cat fish takes the tried and true beetle spin

Katherine came all the way from Chicago to take big bass honors. 

Matt scores a small bass. 

Parker takes a fishing lesson. 

That's a lunker bream. 

Last day of fishing we found a fair cat spot. 

Of course all limits and size restrictions were observed but is this a legal method to fish?  

Swimming in my belly. 

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