Monday, February 03, 2020

If You Need a Roofer,,,

I had a metal roof put on about 30 years ago. Metal roofs are supposed to have a long life but this one was showing a bit of rust and I had learned the weak links can be the hardware that holds it all on. If I live 20 more years that roof will be 50 years old. If I had to replace then it would be from the financial disadvantage of operating from a fixed income instead of the weekly pay check that now keeps me operational. I decided to replace now. 

I took two bids. Both guys seemed a little doubtful the main roof really needed replacing but the garage certainty did. I took two bids. One guy seemed nice but he upsold me on replacing the chimney which he included in the bid without itemizing the cost or mentioning it during his inspection. I hate that kind of thing.. The other guy, Juan who replaced the Zamora's roof recently and came with a good recommendation gave a good bid and had the advantage of me inspecting this previous job.  I choose Juan as my roofer. I suggest you do also and I can give you his number. 

This is a better looking job than I had before. It's finished out nicer. I chose galvanized tin roofing because although I did not take his bid the other guy had a nice website explaining how much heat the various colored roofs hold. Galvanized or probably even the old tin roofs hold the least because they reflect back the sun's heat. 

Without a plan, that seems how most things go we have been on a bit of a home improvement plan. Last year it was the new septic system. This year it's the roof.  If you have an idea on what my next project should be write it on the back of a $20, drop it in the mail and if your suggestion wins I'll split the pot with you. 

I recommend Juan because of a good price, excellent communication and a good work ethic. He builds fences also. I can put you in touch.  


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