Friday, May 22, 2020

Can You Guess Where This Is...?

Cathy grew up in Houston so this reminds her of how cities plan for green spaces to add quality of life for the citizens caught up in the rat race of crowded living. Places where you could be close to urban sprawl but still find bits of peace and quiet. Our little city of Lufkin is ever growing and we have places like that and even though we live in the country and spend a lot of time outdoors we often drive into town to use these places. Can you guess where these photos were taken. Hint, it's in the city limits. 

Here's Cathy in the sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits pose. 

Deck with walk way overlooks a wet land full of frogs and minnows. Probably snakes and maybe the possibility of a few bigger fish. From the looks of the steep banks around the swampy area this might have been a real lake one time that is now traveling down the unstoppable path of geologic time. 

There is a covered pavilion with plenty of seating and park benches at strategic places all along the trail. Could use a few trash cans in the pavilion and dock area where the most people tend to congregate.  

No wimmin? Are they not allowed? Do I need to make the one I brought go back to the car? are these Covid 19 precautions finely going too far? 

I think this is for you to put your picnic lunch in so snakes, alligators and bears don't get it. 

Not many people about. I think we saw one party of three in the parking lot who had just concluded activity here, three others at a distance walking and as we left a party of half a dozen teens and young adults set out on a walk. Plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the outdoors.  

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