Friday, May 15, 2020

Win Some Lose Some...

It's not always fun and games around here. Sometimes it's fun but then the games always have a winner and a loser. This is a tale of my day to day entertainments and adventures at home in a time of Covid 19 and retirement. 

I had the big idea and it may happen that I would start one of those BANDCAMP pages and sell my songs for $1 a pop. I think I have a handful of tunes as good as anyone's. Who doesn't like mail box money? Even Trump is sending it out to people who have not even written a song. 

So yesterday day I start playing around with equipment, messing with sounds and stuff. I have one of those looper pedals where you step on a button and play something, it records and plays back and you can continue on in layering tracks with other instrument I guess infinitely. I get a tuba bassline laid down to a canned drum beat, got the electric guitar tone dialed in and I think, or I stink depending on how you look at it, that with a different mic I can get a better tuba sound. So I switch mics and then I can's make another loop for some reason. I chase gremlins checking connections, cords and so on for an hour. My wife says I have no trouble keeping busy retired and stuck at home. I don't find gremlin but I do spend another 30 minutes playing fuzzed out baritone guitar, which if that's not marked off your bucket list it needs to be seen about. 

The photo is of what started out to be a nice neat work area. Today I look at the looper and see a button pushed that don't need to be. Everything works and I see nothing about that button in the user manual. I play fuzzed out baritone guitar for 30 more minutes.       

With restaurants shut down I have noted from credit card statements that this was where I spent most of my money. Part of it was the nature of the beast while working. I worked days and Cathy works nights. Sometime we spent an hour or so together on work days and it seemed the best use of time was a quick eat out put before we went separate ways. 

I like to eat out but I do like to cook. We did get a take out sushi dinner for Cathy's birthday and we have about decided with my retirement to a fixed income that sushi might be our only eat out. When not playing fuzzed out baritone guitar I do have the time to cook and in the past my attempts at Mexican have been limited to tacos and fajitas. Yesterday I made Spanish rice and beef enchiladas. It came out like you might get at any place in town. We often ate a lot of Mexican, sometimes nine different restaurants in a row calling it a Novena, a prayer of sorts.    

I guess to put this thing to bed the tunes were not so hot but the enchiladas were great. Win, lose, fuzzed out baritone guitar, can you tell the difference?   

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