Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Kinda Normal...

Our church friends probably know but we have been retired from playing music at church for about 2 and a half years. We were a bilingual English/Spanish group and other than the occasional special occasion, funeral, wedding, or quinceanera the popular winds for what music was at church had swung to other directions and a mixed language Mass was not as important as it once had been. Things are to each his own these days but this weekend for Pentecost Sunday there was a Confirmation Mass and First Communion for those coming into the Church. 

We were asked to play because we have been involved with the RCIA group through the years so with social distance precautions in mind me, Cathy and Mary formed up, actually rehearsed a bit and pulled out the old music and played songs in English. Well, except for one bilingual tune slipped in at the end. It was fun to back singing and playing again. We have not had that as church has slowly been getting back up to speed in the age of  Covid 19 and hopefully the other regular groups will resume soon.  

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