Wednesday, July 01, 2020

To the Big City...

We did a thing. Drove to Chicago. We had not see our daughter Katherine, husband Peter and grandson Wallace since about Christmas time. A lot has happened in our world and in the world in general during that time. With Covid 19 we were not comfortable with flying so we drove. All total about 30 hours on the road and 1966 miles in the hybrid. On the way up we spent one night in a motel and drove straight through on the way back. It was an old school trip of sack lunches at road side parks and quick stops for gas and potty breaks. Here's the view driving into the big city. 
Here's the gang. Chicago has not had the reckless re opening many southern states have seen. Masks are required in businesses and I guess there cannot be a fine so anyone's important rights can't be trampled on but not one challenges this. Everyone wears a mask inside around strangers and many people wear them in park areas such as this one where the photo was taken. 

I'm ok with all that as I prefer time outdoors and you can see Wallace likes it also. 

One of the little lakes that dot Humboldt Park which is a 10 minute walk from the PK house.  

If you get tired of the walk Pop-Pop is a handy guy to have along. 

Cathy and Wallace take a break from park fun. 

I have not been to town yet here in Texas since returning and there are new recommendations on mask wearing so I'll see what's up in a day or two and how good people are doing. In the mean time I see on social media folks wondering what to do about the summer. I suggest to make your family important. Go see them. Social distance and wear a mask for their sake. You will be glad you did. 

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