Saturday, August 21, 2021

A Catfish Dream...

 I have an active dream time every night when I sleep. Last night I dreamed about fishing.

The whole family was together on a trip to the lake and we were fishing off the bank. The catfish were biting well but something happened to my fishing pole and I was left using a beer can reel. A beer can reel is one where you wrap a length of line around a beer can, tie a weight and hook to the end, bait it up, throw it out and when the fish bites you wrap the line around the can as a means to reel it in. 

I caught several small fish this way. As I am wont to do when the fish are biting I often deviate from the method we are using thinking that if that works, this will work better. I guess long years of critical thinking on the lake makes me use creative thinking to increase the haul. 

I go to a camp area we are using and take a gym bad, zip up with handles like you might pack for overnights and empty it of it's contents. The contents of the bag were pretty much what I take outdoors in my dry bag, camera, phone, knives and so on. I put a hook on each end of the bag, tie a thick grass type rope (I have one like that around here somewhere) to the handles and prepare to fish.

If standing facing the lake is north on a compass point I sling the baited hooks and bag to a point on the compass north west and sit, holding the rope to await a bite. Nothing happens and everyone is readying to leave. Suddenly I notice the rope is now at a compass point north east and begin pulling in a large catfish.

Fish is not huge but maybe 15-20 pounds and I get him to the bank without much trouble due to the thick, heavy rope. The bank is slick red mud and I hold the catfish like a sad child to my chest and carry him up to the camp as my group pass in cars leaving. They do not see me.

Back in the camp a few people are left and I grab the kids, including one that is not of my family, put them in the back of my truck with the catfish and make a photo.

I wake up with a fierce need to urinate. That is par for the course with any dreams I have where water is present.   

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