Saturday, January 08, 2022


When I was a kid and went on vacations with my parents I always kept an eye out for the souvenirs. Preferably an ideal item from a historical site visit would look like something a native indigenous person might have used. 

I'm still like that except I am always on the look out for a handmade musical instrument. I make many shakers and voo doo sticks of my own design but a box of rough, ethnic instruments handmade in a foreign country will have sounds you won't find in the bright plastic percussion items sold in stores. It's the vibe I'm looking for.  

I estimate I might have been collecting up maracas like this for close to 35 years and right this moment, even though I have had one of those days where I seem to have misplaced microphones, music and other equipment I can probably lay my hands on at least a dozen maracas. They have played a few gigs, been used by children's church choirs, seen action at at backyard fish fries and crawfish boils and generally had their integrity tested in many ways some of which they were not intended for.

All this takes a toll and these two examples in the photo had repairs made this week. Glue seals the cracks and firms up a grip that has the wiggles. Occasionally I find one that has no shake and I fill it with beads or dry beans and carefully calibrate the sound so it's at it's prime. 

We got a chance to load up the percussion box and provide some music for the Faith Formation Program at our church. We had some enthusiastic players and singers. I'm glad the maracas were up to their standards.           

Sometimes the best gigs are with people that don't even know how to play at all but use the music of the heart to make up the difference. 

Maybe that's why I keep the maracas in good repair. You never know who is going to pick one up during a song and leave you a souvenir. 


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