Wednesday, January 05, 2022

They Are Going to Pay for All Catfishing and Other Stuff Also...

I retired in May 2020 and joined a new club at the start of the New Year. It's a good organization. They send me money every month which I spend on catfishing. If I get a catfish fin stuck in my hand I just go to the hospital, present the card pictured and they pull it out. If a large catfish falls on my foot and breaks it I would imagine that the supplemental card might be needed and if there's a prescription involved or they legalize gummies or I require a cutting edge medical mushroom treatment there is a card for that also. 

Of course there is a slight stipend I pay each month to cover some of this. I don't mind. It's the way the world works. In fact the world works in such a way that most people don't realize what it does for them. 

Cathy joined the retirement club this month but is too young to be in the particular chapter I am a member of. To cover pulling catfish fins our of her she signed up for If you call it that you filter out some of the bad reactions people have when they think they know all about about Obamacare which is the same thing. In reality it's a very good thing, something our healthcare advisor told us is here to stay and the coverage is very similar to the coverage offered by her previous employer. It also much cheaper than what the employer offered. It costs $0. Yeah, you read that right. 

Of course there is a catch to it costing $0 and that catch is we live on my catfish money, a traditional pension from one of my previous employers and a small stipend paid from our savings till Cathy is old enough to join my club and get her own catfish money. 

Judging from a talk I had planning this out with my finance guy (yes professional help pays off) most people cannot control their spending. It helps to work out a path like this if you are a dirty stinking catfishing hippie and not really spending all that much money to begin with.

Dirty stinking catfishing hippies live cheaper than you clean folks.      


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