Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Stranger Things...

 Strange things around here. We arrived home from a fishing trip Easter Sunday evening and as we backed the boat into it's garage we spotted the cat sitting in the window. He's an outside cat but there were a lot of people at the house Sunday, grandkids running around and he does use opportunity like that to slip in. 

We proceeded to do the post fishing trip duties We put up gear and cleaned fish. While my brother in law was getting the fish out of the boat a pick up truck with two kayaks in the back turned around in the driveway and a woman shouted at him, "God Bless." 

 Inside the house we noticed the temperature seemed cool and on a check the air conditioner was switched on with all the windows open. Again we thought lots of people around, kids it must be some kind of accident. When Cathy put the kids to bed she noticed a pillow case missing off one of their pillows in the guest bedroom. 

Next morning I looked for a change jar I drop my spare coins in and it was missing. I also noticed a small bedside throw rug in the bathroom. As we were preparing to take the grandkids to a park I looked for the man purse I carry my camera in for trips like this and it was missing. The camera had been in a dry bag for the lake trip. There also seemed to be a Swiss Army pocket knife missing but a missing pocket knife sometimes turns up. 

I started adding up all these occurrences and decided someone had been in my house. There was maybe $50 of change in the jar. Cathy's purse was undisturbed on the kitchen table but things of value inside, cash, credit cards, fishing license had gone to the lake. Our guitars, used for Easter church services were leaned up by the front door in cases and nothing else of value seemed to be missing.  

I did not report the crime since there were no signs of breaking and entering. We had left the door unlocked. I notified my neighbors of mischief in the area and not locking doors seems to be a custom we all share on this street. One neighbor reported returning home the same day and switching on the TV to find the volume maxed out and said a few things seemed to have been moved around.

The cat was in the house again this morning.  There was a party last night out here and he may have used the opportunity to slip in but there was something that happened around here and I am trying to teach this animal to talk because he knows what it is.  


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