Friday, June 17, 2022

A Tribute Band Like This...

I have noticed tribute bands are a thing. A bunch of guys get together and do all songs by one particular band. Pay tribute so to speak. Some of the guys might even look a bit like the subject. I saw a Beatles tribute band once and they were quite good. They actually found this blog post in the great mess of the internet and thanked me for the review. I played on a multi band show with a Journey Tribute Band once and I supposed they were good but I never listened to Journey, I don't think they looked like them and I don't like the Eagles either. It looks like Edgar Winter of Frankenstein hit fame who grew up with his late brother Johnny two doors down from Cathy's grandmother Langdon in the old Beaumont neighborhood has a tribute band playing Johnny's music. My late friend Larry had a Pink Floyd Tribute Band once and a few years before he passed and years after the band's hey day someone in France got in contact and requested a copy of the CD the band had made. Larry got it in the mail to him. In your later years you don't want crazy fans showing up all wide eyed at your door.      

I have decided that what the world needs is an Amos Milburn Tribute Band. I have a CD with 29 songs by Amos called "Rhythm and Booze." Twenty Nine songs might be just the right amount for a set. I note that the internet says Amos's songs were good natured romps about booze and parties with vibrant word play and double entre. While most people seem to get what they need when listening to Journey music I don't think they are getting this kind of thing. I believe with just about two other like minded souls, a honking hollow body guitar and a couple of tube amps using 1940s era circuits I could get into Amos's vibe. Most of the songs are three chords which is what I am doing on most of my stuff anyway except for the tunes that are only two or one chords.

Let's just listen to Amos. 

Now I know I don't look like Amos or play piano at all so I promise to do the best I can playing all the songs like I have been drinking whisky since yesterday and just in case an Eagles Tribute Band calls I would be available for the Joe Walsh part. 



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