Monday, May 08, 2023

You Know that You Would Take That Gig if You Could...

 I saw a post on the internet the other day about a guy that finally made some money off his tuba degree. He said that opportunity came up to rent his horn out at a rate of $100 bucks so he did it. I'll also admit that I took the the gig of "guy dancing with the band" when it was offered to me. Really I was not hired for a position with that title but instead it was as a percussionist shaking my homemade turtle stick but when the band rocks into something like "Sounds of Silence" or some other such shit playing along on a turtle stick just don't fit so I danced. You might not think a 240 pound man dancing to "Sounds of Silence" fits either but it worked better than you might think and they have asked me back. 

When we were at Old Settler's Music Festival there was an old hippie looking dude that was up front at every band and I don't think you could call it dancing but more an interpretive performance of what the song was about. He wore a sparkly top of which he had various colors of and changed into to fit the vibe of the song and waved his hands in motion to represent matters of the heart, feelings of longing, pie in the sky, tears of sadness and much more. 

Here's one where he was feeling the blue vibe. This was my first time at this festival but I've had a few friends that are consistent attendees and I bet some of them know this dude's name and in fact I can think of a few people I've known that he reminds me of.   

The vibe was red here. Cathy thought may be he was an old retired junior high band director who had waved his arms around in an attempt to get teens to respond to music that the activity turned into some kind of neurodivergent pattern that he could no longer control in the presence of rhythmic patterns.  

More red. 

Shining white vibe on these tunes. 

Uh oh, red again. 

The green rears it's head. I bet he made all these tops. I noted a nice feature, a thumb strap that kept the sleeves in place. The little touches like that show years of design development, make it comfortable to wear and flow with the music.  

I know I have a lot of pictures of the red but I doubt this was an angry man. I saw many women come up to dance and he seemed to be well liked by all as he performed this most important addition of color to the festival. 

Next time you have a gig, dance with the band. Interpret the songs with the feelings you feel. They will be glad when you come back the next time.  



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