Thursday, April 13, 2023

Babysitting in Chicago...

We just returned from a baby sitting trip to Chicago while the PK vacationed in Rome. That may seem like the short end of the stick but the plane flight was free and we got to spend time with Wallace and Hamish, the grandkids we see the least of because of the distance involved so it's not a bad deal at all. 

April is a busy month for us and due the scheduling and various commitments Cathy traveled up a couple of days before me and I arrived later to provide fresh legs for keeping up with the kids. It's good to visit the whole family but as you other grandparents know they always behave better for the grands than they do for their parents so it was an easy job. Come to think of it I probably behave better for the grandkids than I do for the parents myself. 

Cathy's sister Margaret, husband Kevin and daughters Grayson and Addison were in town and stayed with us for Grayson's volleyball tournament. The big cousins were a great help in keeping the young ones occupied and provided good role models. Addison nourished all with Addison's Famous Mac and Cheese. 

By the way if you make mac and cheese with Velveeta as the Famous Mac and Cheese is made don't visit the Trader Joe's grocery chain in search of this product. A little research indicates that the typical Trader Joe's customer is 24 to 44 and makes $80,000  year. Basically the person who has everything but they won't have Velveeta. No wonder Greenpeace ranked Trader Joe's poorly in a 2013 report on sustainable food. Some are gonna have to have that mac and cheese to sustain. 

As usual all first world problems were overcome and the trip was a success. We both returned on an uncrowded late flight that put us standing in our garage listening to the coyotes howl at 2:30 in the morning. The city is nice but it's good to be home. 




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