Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Evolution of things...

 Usually morning time is a muck around on computer time for me. I once had a patient for home health, an old retired guy I had once worked with in a pervious career so I knew him. To get a bit of a feel for how he lived his life and what he needed health wise I asked what time he got up in the mornings. He said 4:30am which he considered respectable for an old retired guy without much to do. I don't get up that early but mucking around on the computer is just something to kill a little time till I feel it's a respectable enough hour to start bothering the neighbors with the sounds of tuba. 

While I was awaiting the hour of the tuba my computer told me that on this date in 2021 I had made a recording at one of my playing in the park solo concerts. I was playing the 1936 King bell front horn which even though I have a slightly more modern 50 year old horn now I still like the sound of it. The songs I played that day, some I have not played lately and some have changed presentation and style altogether. These little recordings do show an evolution of ideas and song selection. 

I noticed, one of those computer use things that probably the rest of the world knows that if you made a document in Google docs it is saved there for you till needed again. I found something called "mudbelly set list." Mudbelly that's me. It's my blues name and I picked it up during a sliding down a mud bank into the creek sometime back around 1990, give or take a year or two. I made the set list to have something to pick tunes from I might play. It's a few years old now and some of the songs don't ring a bell and there's others that do but are not a bell I have rang lately. Like I say, evolution and all that. The music moves on. 

I have some new tunes but there are a few I need to add back in. 

The gigs come, they go. I'll be able to have something when I need it. 

So the gigs are slow and the blog writing is also. Stay tuned though as camping and travel picks up this week. Evolution you know...


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