Monday, May 06, 2024

Camping, Fishing and Where Did the Gas in My Boat Go?

This was the third weekend in a row for camping. Maybe I should keep a count of how often it rains on us. We are running at two out of three on this run. That hasn't stopped us, or our family and friends from joining us as we spent three nights at Hanks Creek. Hanks is only 15 miles from the house but it's where our fishing spots are. In this photo you can see my mother in law Geneva's truck camper, our Rpod and the boat tied up ready to go.    

Our old friend Darwin, who we saw at our recent campout in the Austin area for HonkTx! was passing through and stopped just long enough to catch big fish of the day. He reminded me he caught the biggest last time we fished. This cat came from the same stretch of bank we were fishing about 35 years ago with his late wife Debbie and the late Gary strong catching loads of bass on Tiny Torpedo topwater lures. All kinds of fish in this area and the Torpedo would still be a good choice.   

Cathy, Ezra and Luca reel one in. I think final total for three days fishing was 45 cats. Not bad considering half of it was done while someone held Milo Back from eating catfish bait. 

Luca scored big fish this day and I think it scared him a bit. Actually I hooked it and handed him the pole and Ezra netted it. These guys are great boat hands. 

I guess I'm slipping in my old age as I did not get a photo of Milo with a fish. He did catch on quick as to what a boat steering wheel is for.  

Morgan, Ali, Parker and Cullen joined us in their boat for the day. It was a good thing because as me, Ezra and Luca returned from a morning of fishing we ran out of gas and require a tow. I have a 40hp outboard on my boat and it has been very economical. I'm not running all over the lake and often make a tube riding trip and a couple of fishing trips on the same tank of gas. I checked the gas a couple of days before leaving and while not full it seemed enough for fishing the Hanks area. The gas ran out after four runs from Hanks to the Canyon area of the lake maybe 15 minutes and not all the time at full speed. After the tow I drove to town and filled up a five gallon can. I check the oil injection tank and it seemed to have not used enough oil to match gas consumption which made me wonder if someone had come by water and siphoned my gas at camp during the night or even at home before I left on the trip. Guess we won't know but I'll keep a closer look.    

Morgan's boat at work landing a fat cat. Ali lays out on the front and the back is for fishing. Note on the right there is an orange marker buoy marking the fish location and on the left you can see Cathy's cork. We probably caught 20 fish between the boats in water about 4 feet deep.   

I'm a little tired of cleaning fish but in a couple of days I might be persuaded to fish again. 
It rained again on Saturday nigh before we checked out Monday so all out camping gear is good and washed. It will be a few weeks before the next trip which will be boondocking with our new generator on the beach. 

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