Saturday, May 27, 2006

What about these guys...

Twice in the past week and I do not comment lightly on things here unless there is a pattern to certain happenings, guys have made remarks to me that could be taken the wrong way.

First guy is a long time friend who I have not laid eyes on in about 18 years or so due to the distance involved, but someone I keep in contact with and he could be reading here, but I have not seen evidence of his visits. I sent him an email picture of me with a big bass, you have seen it, it's here somewhere, if you want to see it I'll sent it to you but after receiving the picture he emailed "...Don't take this the wrong way, but you're looking pretty good there ol boy." And then he called me "homefritter." I am glad he said don't take this the wrong way because in a subsequent email he also called me "homefritter." Now I am East Texas born and bred with roots back to Arkansas cotton fields and I have never before been called "homefritter."

Next guy, known him only a few years because at one time we had our kids involved in the same activity. I last saw him a year ago maybe and today when I saw him he told me I was looking younger all the time. I was glad his wife was there to make him behave.

I guess I could have worse problems. I mean I write about feelings and sensitive shit like that here, in a post Broke Back World it's all right for guys to tell each other they look good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

3:42 AM  

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