Thursday, May 25, 2006

What's this...

My son came to me last night. He held out his hand, "What's this he said?" He looked a little spooked, he is a smart guy, he does not often get bumfuddled.

I asked his where he found that, he said it was a bookmark in the book I am reading, which was "Ancient Evenings" by Norman Mailer, a selection from our home library. The item he held out was this:

Not that item, I grabbed that picture off the net since my scanner is on the blink, but he held out a strip of 6 S&H green stamps. You know, grocery stores used to give the, you stuck them in books and redeemed them for items from a catalog. I was a big saver, I usually got camping gear type items.

I think the kids were all little when the last green stamp prize I got was a croquet set. A quick google shows that a few stores still exist, but the company has been restructured to something called Green points.

The old books and stamps are being snatched up at flea markets and garage sales. They are cheap now, watch ebay to see what happens.

That bookmark was not very far into Mailer's book, I found it a bore some 20 years ago when I started it.


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