Sunday, August 20, 2006

School starts tomorrow...

Well the long haul to Kilgore starts tomorrow. Last year driving up there every day just as I was passing through and leaving Central Heights I would pass a Sheriffs Department car on the way into Nacogdoches, apparently not on patrol, but on his way to work. I wonder if he wonders where I have been.

To use a cliche, it has been an idyllic time this summer. I really enjoyed clinicals during the first part of the summer, kind of my chance to try out my skills with my own patients and this second half has been great with lots of work at the hospital, fishing (18 cats yesterday, maybe last trip of the summer?), music playing and family fun time.

Going to be some hard classes. Neuro is one of them. The brain is complicated, today at work a PT was showing me the lab reports on a patient and the MRI showed something, the CAT scan showed something else and the patient wants to fall down. It was a mess in that old noggin. Some PTs are ortho people, some like wound care, some like shoulders and backs, this PT today likes the brain and I was told with these patients there is never a dull treatment. I guess I will start getting that all sorted out tomorrow, hope my old noggin is not a mess by the time I am through.

Ok the last little computer project of the year, pictures from the gig at Jackson Hill:

I'll be busy, look for lots of teeth nashing angst for the next few months.


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