Thursday, September 07, 2006

Greed and war...

Ok, I hate to comment on the political but sometimes I see things I can't let go.

Got an email, all sources enclosed (violations of trading with the enemy acts and such) about some really old news that was reported in 2003 in alternative press type publications. You may have heard it and it does not surprise me one bit. It detailed the actions of the relatives of certain men in public office and important positions around the country during WW2 that supported the Nazis and made money doing it. Seems that lately the Nazi card has been thrown down and as a member of the generation whose dads fought WW2 I have always took the mention of Nazi to be very serious business.

I have speculated here before (am I going over the same ground too much?) about a type of greed that common men, ones like those WW2 dads, who had it good, returning from the war to factory jobs, dinners of fried meat and summer evening cigs in the back yards of expansive lots who had no idea during the late 60s that a President from Texas was agonizing in the White House basement over targets in South East Asia and people like me who sat as a child among these men today can't understand. It's a greed that wants money and power so bad that they will make money regardless of the suffering it inflicts. I am sure it happens all the time during war and that there are many guilty parties in the halls of power.

Now if this was just greed, well I know how that will end. Some of these folks tout us as a Christian country, and they should check out the Bible and the comments there about such behavior. But it may not be all just greed, I keep having a comment a friend made to me during a discussion about "what they are doing to us White Christians'" pop up in my head. That smacks of the Nazis right there in my humble little little opinion, infers that there is an elite Christian segment of the population that is better and they must go against others to preserve their views.

So anyway I am sure you can check out this story from the info I give here and form your own thoughts. Down off the soap box.


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