Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Strange Dreams...

I dreamed I went to the paper mill, the now shuttered factory where I once worked for 25 years. It was some kind of pay day (ha, ha)execpt that at the pay window I was sent to the old purchasing office instead of completeing my business at the window.

I entered that office and it was now some kind of half way house for high level mentally retarded people, who were all happily going about their activities of daily living and did not seem surpised in the least as I intruded on their quarters.

I then entered the plant itself to find that all macheriney was operating, but there was no product being made or no raw materials being processed into product. Just convayors and other such machinery turning and running to no where. I entered a wharehouse type area where there seemed to be a super abundance of things, rope, vehicle and machine parts, WD-40 and safety shoes that might be needed during operations. I was beginning to see where the $22 million the Lufkin Daily News reports as the cost of operating a shut down paper mill had gone.

As I strolled around, first time I have been in the place since Feb. 2004, I began meeting a person every now and then, those that were responsible for this state of suspended shut down. The each allowed and held forth on how the company was threatening to bring even this state of affairs to a halt, but none believed it would ever happen.

It was a very surreal type dream and all in color. Glad I am awake now.


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