Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bow to the King...

It started as kind of a joke, I think. Each club at Kilgore College, I'm in the PT Club, gets to nominate a King and Queen for the homecoming court. No dummy, I was not nominated Queen, it was King thank you. So a good laugh was had.

Then I had to go get my picture made. This was so that when the student body votes, they can pick their candidate on looks. Works just like a real election. While I was having my picture made, the photographer asked what I would do if I get to be King. I said, "Free the minds of all slaves to ideology, pop culture, massive credit card debt and their asses will follow." No I did not say that. I said, "Get chicks." No I did not really say that either, and I would be joking because I have a "chick" but I can say anything here because Cathy never reads my online diarrhea anyway. I just mumbles something and tried to strike a pose that would identify me to the student body as a cat that falls somewhere between the suave cool of James Dean and the madcap intensity of Lee Harvey Oswald. Without the rifle in the back yard of course.

So at lunch that day the club meets and arrangements are made for another picture, this one of the club for the annual next week and it happens to be on the same day as the election. The program director mentions that the club has had a couple of people on the court and all you do is grab the apathetic masses walking by and say, "Vote for my people." This is sounding more and more like politics all the time.

Anyway there are 30-35 people in the club. If I get their votes and a few more no telling what might happen. It will be inconvenient, I have to work that day of the Homecoming game. Cathy works that night. I have arranged for Mary to be my escort. If necessary, have a plan I say.

If elected, expect sweeping changes in Kilgore.


Blogger Dan Maxwell said...

In a perfectly PC world you could run for King OR Queen!

As a matter of fact, a long haired, biker friend of mine (Keith Wyborney) ran for homecoming QUEEN at SFA in the late 60s or early 70s. The Pine Log ran a cover photo of him reclining on his Hog. I'm sure the issue can be found on microfilm in the SFA Library. Maybe someday, when I have the time, I'll look it up and make a copy.

11:17 AM  

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