Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Out on the outcrop...

Driving home from school in the afternoons I have seen a sight at a location just north of Nacodgoches that brings back some old memories. It is a geology class from SFA climbing all about a rock outcrop beside the highway. I used to room with a coupleof geology majors all those long years ago when I went to school at SFA so I know the sights.

An outcrop is a rocky protuberance above the ground. Geology majors were all ways excited to go to the outcrop. My guess is that they were relieved to be able to get to a big rock without a lot of digging. Closest thing to compare in physical therapy would be when you go to see a patient in the hospital and they are already sitting up in a chair. No digging out of bed so to speak. All these years you would wonder if any changes were affected to that big rock with all those feet scampering over it.

Geology majors were a lot of fun. Maybe they still are. They had big nice boots. Wonder if they still wear them, everyone wears tennys today. They had good parties. I bet they still do. Geology majors collected rocks and kept them in sacks and boxes under their beds. Sometimes after the good parties they came home and pulled these sacks and boxes from under their bed and made them receptacles for vomit caused by the drinking at the good parties. I bet they still do.

I guess it is still a good field. There is a lot of oil drilling going on right now in this area so there is still exploration to be done. I think of the geologist I knew, one went to Australia and I don't think ever came back, one left on graduation and I never heard from him again, one recently discovered some oil and made a million bucks and one I know works for the IRS. A different kind of digging maybe but I think they all did alright.


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