New features...
You may have noticed the tags at the ends of the post this week. New features here and I don't quite have them all figured out. You know how computers are, something is working just fine and the new upgraded version comes along and bang you have to start the education process all over, which is a process I am weary of right now.
This particular service is a Google related. I used to just be able to keep myself logged in on this computer and bring up my posting page and get the latest news out there. Now I log through two passwords and then a Google log on before I get my control panel thing. I think Google stuff on your computer is kind of like having Wal-Mart do your funeral, they are all up in your stuff from then on.

I guess I should not complain, this is a free service. And I make money from it. Remember I will post your picture for $39,000. Here is a example of two people who went in halves, $18,500 each.
I also have the option to publish in Hindu, but I would not do you that way.
So I am muddling along with these new features, hopefully the tags can be used to create a comprehensive thread that runs through here. Proof of intelligent design I like to think of it as. Click on swimming in my belly, and it will take you to every post where I said swimming in my belly. Sometimes I say swimming in my belly more than once in a post.
I also invite you to post comments here, simple as clicking on the post a comment thing at the end of each post. Some one asked me this the other day, thy said "Well Carl, how do I post a comment?" See I am a little unlike other denizens of the Internet I do hang with real people. At least the ones that have $39,000 to spare.
Labels: 000, 39, Hindu, swimming in my belly
clicking on swimming in my belly didn't bring them up up....I believe the phrase is usually swimming in OUR bellies. Don't get too bogged down with school dad you are almost done and I'm so proud of you. We got your invite to the pinning ceremony. Sorry we won't be able to make it but we will celebrate with you this summer after your final exam LOVE Katie
It may not be linking to the old posts without the tags.
Just wait.
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