Tomorrow is an anniversery...
Tomorrow I will have lived in this house 24 years. Lot of changes gone on around here, not only in the house, but in our lives and I guess the house reflects that.
I have a painting, I guess the first I ever bought that is of this house. I know that sounds like I have bought a lot of paintings of this house, I mean one of the first paintings period. It was one of those deals where a guy flys over your house in an airplane and makes a picture then a salesman stops by and shows you the picture and puts the hard sell on and you are all impressed that a guy in an airplane flew right over your house and you sit there and label all the colors of everything so an artist somewhere can paint a portrait from the photo, which is black and white and have all the colors correct. I was sold. Good thing I was not married at this time because my wife thinks it is the dumbest thing she has ever seen.
I like it though. It's like a snapshot in time. The trees around the house have grown and there are more of them. There has been an addition to the house. Old cars in the garage are long since resting in a junk yard somewhere. The old pair of boxers, used as a rag that the artist so faithfully captured hanging from the dog pen fence was finely taken down a few days ago.
So here is a picture.
It's not too good, but you can get the idea. Like I say, my wife don't like it so it's hung in a dark corner of the house, hence the bad flash staring back at you.

Like I say though, it's a snapshot. Things move on.
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