Well, someone wanted a guitar story. Like I am just supposed to defecate this stuff on the command of the audience. Well let me tell you guys, what have you heard about the diminishing skills of aging bloggers? What have you heard about writers block? What have you heard about this sticking space key on my key board. Nothing you say? Well, there you have it.
I will write about a phone call I made last week to my old college roommate Ray. He lives in Longview, has a kid in the high school band. Our schools were playing each other. We had not talked in a while, just in passing if he was at his folk's house for a holiday or something. They live right down the street from my mom.
Any way we caught up on stuff, talked about the kids and such and what we had been doing and then he asked me "still got all those records?"
"Why I sure do," I answered. and many more since we lived together back in those old college days. Might have had 50 to 100 33 and 1/3 jobs back then which through the 80s grew to 400-500. Then
cds and downloading came along and we have a good steady growth of 8-10 a month for an unknown number of
cds now.

Here is a snap shot of the room where the collection lives. Sometimes I imagine it breathing softly and I think I can hear it in the still dark of the night.
It's just funny he remembered all those records and how we played them again and again. Wonder if he can feature the eclecticness of the collection now, especially since you have two musicophiles around here adding to it all the time, makes for some interesting directions taken.
I think he did remember that collection as a treasure of out of the ordinary things. The Eagles don't get no respect around here.
Labels: electric guitar, music