Monday, March 10, 2008

My Eye is Fixed...

Saw Dr Diaz this afternoon and he proclaimed my eye surgery a success. All is as it should be with vision improving each time it's checked. I am cleared to return to work, could be as soon as tomorrow, pending paperwork making the rounds of concerned parties. I will still have the precaution of no lifting that may cause a valsalva maneuver, which is a fancy way of saying don't lift and grunt with your mouth closed. This will be in effect the rest of this week and then for two more weeks.

After this time has passed I will be free to resume all activities which will include Taekwondo workouts. No restrictions will apply. My vision is improving but I'll need to check lens in 3 months and return to Dr. Diaz in 8 weeks.

I will also be able to sleep in the bed tonight. I have slept sitting up for 10 days. That has been the worst part I think. What with poor sleep, the rain and just general inactivity I have been restless today. Glad for that to come to an end.

Well my boss just called and the work release says no lifting over 5lbs. Not what we talked about in the office at all. A gallon of milk weights 8 pounds I have surely been lifting that. Looks like a round of phone call tomorrow to straighten this out.

Here is my Doc. I heartily recommend him:


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