Of Course it is Election Year...

And that has me happy. So happy I think I'll give away a big screen TV. We haven't done that in a while.
This winner gets his big screen for writing to the Dallas Morning News and getting his letter published. I happen to agree with the letter as I do with many things the author, Mr. Gibson says. After all I have known him about 30 years and requested his presence as the best man at my wedding.
I am glad that this is not a political blog. I can just leave that stuff to others and sit back and report what happens.
Mr. Gibson, a big screen is on it's way to you. Hopefully the next leader we chose will see that it pays better dividends to provide jobs, education, health care and big screens than to spend a bunch of money killing people.
Click on the picture, should zoom up to be easy to read. Click on the big screen tag to read about other winners.
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