Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Stalking just aint what it used to be. Ruined as it be by caller ID and ever falling prices of home security monitoring systems. So yesterday I hearkened back to the olden days. I tried to get a feel for what it
must have been like for an Indian to stalk up on a herd of buffalo somewhere out on the great plains. Lucky for me I have a herd of buffalo right next door. Some places people will pay a fee to stalk up something like this. Besides, this herd is basically underutilized. I have only been using them to tell if the fish are biting. Buffalo stand up,fish bite.Buffalo all lay down, fish not bite.
Right up to them. Old Chief Mudbelly peers right between the trees as he shoots with his trusty bow and kodak.

Wait a minute, What's that coming, quick, hide.
Those old stalking habits are hard to break.
Labels: Buford and Brenda
Saturday, April 26, 2008
News From Little Rock...
Mary competed in a TKD tournament in Little Rock, chauffeured there by Rose, because we had to work and the results are fantastic.
1st in sparring and weapons and second in form. Mary has had a very good TKD month.
It's on to the world championship, held in Little Rock this June.
1st in sparring and weapons and second in form. Mary has had a very good TKD month.
It's on to the world championship, held in Little Rock this June.
Labels: TKD
Friday, April 25, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Pop and Geneva Visit...

We noodle fished again. Slower today, had a little trouble catching good live bait.

Coup;e of nice crappie in there.
You know the rest of the story, swimming in our bellies. Geneva cheerfully puts up with a lot of trials and tribulations to enjoy a nice meal.

Labels: catfish, swimming in my belly
Sunday, April 20, 2008
TKD in Dallas...

I placed second in forms. I lost my first sparring match so I was out of the running there. Not much sparring practice since the eye surgery. I guess it's just as well, maybe I am getting more graceful in my old age.
Labels: TKD
Friday, April 18, 2008
Who Done This?...

So now with most of the kids out of the house and the two resident pin heads totaling about 20lb combined weight, not really enough to do much damage, I ask that question again. Who done this?
What you see is damage to one of my flower areas from an unknown source. This shaded area has a couple of azaleas, Indian hawthorn, and here you see the shoots of some bulbs that look to have been used as a bed. No real damage here, the flowering done they are just waiting to be cut down by the weed eat to do it all again next early spring. One thing that may be lost is an Easter lily that has been coming up and blooming for some years. It hasn't done it's thing yet so I don't know if it can recover, the stalk is broken and the plant lies on the ground.
This really looks as if something about 6 or 8 feet tall laid on the cool green stalks and crushed them. This looks like such a cool comfortable place I almost tried it on for size myself. So I ask again, who done this? A swamp ape? Aliens? Buford and Brenda? Those thing loom large in the lore of this blog, popping up to inhabit our dreams and visions, to provide explanations to the unknown and to provide that ever needed re-enforcement that no, we don't know all and there are things out there that are hard to wrap our weak minds around.
Who done this?...
Labels: aliens, big white dog, Buford and Brenda
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sam Rayburn Odds and Ends...

Note the store bought one on the left, got it for my birthday. Catches fish, a little buoyant so it must be watched closely because it might not get jerked under as violently as the noodles. In Texas these things got to be mostly white and have your name on them. Might be a good idea to have the date to keep the game warden honest.

Ok here is something serious. An invasive plant Giant Salvina has been found in Rayburn. This is a plant that was sold in the U.S. for aquarium use.

Labels: swimming in my belly
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
More Catfish...

The white specks in the background are our floating noodlelines. The land you see is an island, really the top of a hill with very deep water close by. On the right hand side you can see the remains of an old logging tram from the glory days of East Texas logging that ran up to the top of the hill.
The catfish whisperer. Note the equipment.

Came right home,

Labels: catfish, swimming in my belly
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Prom Night...

Scott seemed like a very nice young man, polite, on time, good manners. These young people were able to past the drug test I required them to take to be permitted to attend, both before and after the prom. Great job kids!
The theme to this years prom was "Hairway to Steven."

That kind of sounds like there was a middle aged committee of faculty advisers that did not have dates to their prom in 1974.
Full length shot.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Squirrel Attractors are Out...

Only problem is that the also do double duty as squirrel attractors. Seems the pesky critters get bored and find out that the soft potting soil makes for easy diggings. Good thing they don't have bodies to hide.
Part my fault, the diggings. When I was laid off work in 2003 and was sitting around the house charting a new journey and playing switchem I cultivated the squirrel population by feeding sunflower seeds. Some times the squirrels come right up in the garage when I have forgotten to feed and help themselves to the bag of seeds that sits there. The dogs spend a good bit of time in the garage also. They are small dogs, not much bigger than a squirrel. I suspect some type of arrangement has been worked out. Maybe if I ever get a chance to sit around playing switchem again I'll figger it out.
Anyway, if you are at my house, (and that's another reason for this blog publication, so you won't have to visit and sit around looking at flowers, squirrels, playing switchem and just really get on with living your own life) don't smell these flowers. They are dusted with some kind of pepper spray designed by my wife to discourage diggings. Seems it works because this week it's so far so good.
There is one of them now, I think that's Speedy, or Spankey, Sparky, maybe Smelly and I think he has bodies to hide.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Then you bait your floating noodles with them and start yanking in the catfish.
The biggest 4 went 11, 7, 5 and 3lbs respectively. All fish caught on the floating noodles between 11am and 2pm in about 3 to 7ft of water.
Made about 13lbs of fillets in the freezer, soon to be swimming in a belly near you.
Labels: catfish, pontoon, swimming in my belly
Thursday, April 03, 2008
It's Time to Get Excite...

Here you see our tickets. We are only able to attend Thursday and Friday of the second weekend but it looks great and there are so many great night time shows it's hard to make a pick. We bought tickets for a George Clinton P-Funk show and that's just to get us started.
If you want to know what's going on check out the world famous cubes.
Performers are usually announced early in the year, but things get excite when the cubes with the festival performance times come out the first of April. Click on May 1st and second to see who is there when we are there:
For night time club shows check the world famous jazz fest grids to see what is going on all over town:
Labels: jazz fest, music, porta potty
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
getting back to business...
Been warming up to getting back to some Taekwondo after my surgery this week by teaching a couple of classes. Getting harder and harder for the champ to make a comeback these days, but you know what they say, the older you will get...
Here are some pictures a parent at the school made the night of the Halloween workout and recently they were passed on to me.
Here Mary is turning Japanese.
Here are some pictures a parent at the school made the night of the Halloween workout and recently they were passed on to me.
Here Mary is turning Japanese.

Previous Posts
- Mardi Gras Fish Fry at St. Patrick's...
- Fishing Started Out Slow But Then Almost All of Us...
- Mardi Gras Galveston...
- Three and a Meat...
- Book Report or Do You Know Stuff...
- Gabby Moreno at the Pines Theater...
- First Fishing Report 2015...
- Turn Down For What...
- Evelyn Rubio at the Live Oak Listening Room...
- It's From the Top Down...
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