Monday, December 22, 2008

Foggy Pictures, Spooky Christmas...

Seems like I got a lot of fog pictures lately. Some on the lake, some in the woods, couple of nights ago the fog started really rolling in around the house as I was taking an evening walk and I tried to capture a little spooky Christmas Spirit with some photos of our decorations. Here is the house

A new thing this year, the ball tree with lights. The ball tree is a tradition, one of Cathy's things. I think the lights really make the balls stand out. These last two pictures are without a flash, in the fog.

Here's the ball tree with flash high lighting the fog. All pictures made from about the same vantage point, you could barely see the house from here.Now for the spooky score keeping part, if you are nice and snug with Christmas Spirit, I took a count of the cards I have received. We are losing, 20-11. That's 2o secular cards with pictures of Santa, snow men, bunnies, dogs, nanners or what ever. Now a couple of these are from places like work or my stock broker that either have rules about the kind of card you can use or are headed to Hell anyway. Maybe these people are just Obama supporters. I know there is the school of thought out there that he has not even took office yet and the country is in a hand basket, oh wait a minute, it's been in a hand basket for 8 years so maybe that's not it. Anyway I mentioned this to a few folks and they have said they would help by sending cards that reflect the reason for the season.

I had to do some edits here, this post came out weird. Spooky Christmas indeed.

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