Happy Birthday...

Also happy birthday to brother in law John.
My Granny Wallace was born on Halloween in 1910.
In 1988 I asked Cathy to marry me on Halloween.
Labels: family, Happy birthday
Labels: family, Happy birthday
That blob between the sax and clarinet player is a stain on the curtain, I wanted it to be the ghost of an old auditorium janitor, but it's not an old auditorium.
The Community band, very good several cute numbers. Mostly an experienced crew, one I was in high school band with, one from my old college band and a guy that was in band with my Uncle Bill.
All in all a fine evening of fun, lots of musicians I knew on stage and many more I knew in attendance to see a fine evening of music.
Labels: bromance, electric guitar, family
Labels: family, pontoon, swimming in my belly
Labels: bromance
Just down the hill the Colorado River winds peacefully past. This scene caused my imagination to get a bit carried away. I could just see myself descending from the mezzanine where I sat to the stage from whence I was carried or escorted by men in suits and hats, flags leading and glory waving down the steep incline, every one's hands out to make sure I would not stumble. At the river side I would wade out cloaked in flowing white garments that no one had any way of knowing would float up around my waist in the clear green Texas spring water reveling naked skin. Like I say, this was in my imagination, I have already been baptized and there is a whole lot of "I" in that last sentence. This was Juan's day and I am bet that he was glad I revealed no naked skin.
By the way, did I mention the trumpet that played while I was doing all this ? That part really happened.
The Color Guard was very snappy, may be the best I have ever seen.
Labels: family
Labels: TKD
Labels: manure spreaders, subversive, tuba