Not Enough Christmas Yet?...

As I think about what's in the picture I decided the through the glass shot was a good one. After all we all have a variety of filters through which we see things. The shopkeeper did not see to be of Anglo descent, not to judge, he may have been East Texas born and bred just like me, he might have just been the hired help having followed the bosses orders to construct a manger from cases of beer and thought nothing of it. Maybe some one has been able to discern, some brand identity detection of some sort that Joseph liked Coors light while Mary preferred Miller products. Either is a patriotic choice as seen by Old Glory flown on a Styrofoam ice chest the lid of which is going to be absolutely useless to anyone who owns a pick up truck.
I am with the manger animal of indescriminate species found in the foreground. He rears up, says, "Let me out of here."