I Was Outed Today...
For your info I need to preface this tale with making known the fact that I don't watch TV. Can't even receive a signal since the advent of the requirement of some sort of digital box turned a perfectly good 19" TV/VCR combo into junk as far a the watching a major network thing is concerned. Oh yes I watch DVD movies, sent in from netflixs, obscure foreign cinema verdes that I use as sleep aids. This fact also reveals the joke behind the big screen give aways. I sure have no need for them. I also have no cable TV. Was not here in the boonies when I moved into this location, might can get it now, for a fee of course.
To continue with my outing, I was in my professional capacity, speaking with someone, where it is my custom to only give an opinion on the weather or the cat fishing, pretty non controversial subjects. It's either raining or not, they are biting or not biting. In the background a TV was playing a news channel softly and I was paying it no mind. The person I was speaking with who we will call ___, said "Do you ever watch him?" indicting the man on TV.
I said, "I don't know who that is." Should have said, no, I don't.
___ knew if I did not know the man on TV, I must be one of them, a subversive of sorts. Pretty sharp, that ___, and called me on it. We had a good laugh, it won't be a deal breaker for us and even though we weren't for the same team on TV right that moment we were both glad the Saints won the Super Bowl.
So I guess I got to watch more TV, if I want to know who the movers and shakers are, maybe I won't be so easily outed next time and can play my cards close to the vest like I do on these pages.
I don't have a good picture of an outing, just this picture of leaves that Mary took in her high school photo class.
To continue with my outing, I was in my professional capacity, speaking with someone, where it is my custom to only give an opinion on the weather or the cat fishing, pretty non controversial subjects. It's either raining or not, they are biting or not biting. In the background a TV was playing a news channel softly and I was paying it no mind. The person I was speaking with who we will call ___, said "Do you ever watch him?" indicting the man on TV.
I said, "I don't know who that is." Should have said, no, I don't.

So I guess I got to watch more TV, if I want to know who the movers and shakers are, maybe I won't be so easily outed next time and can play my cards close to the vest like I do on these pages.
I don't have a good picture of an outing, just this picture of leaves that Mary took in her high school photo class.
Labels: catfish, subversive
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