Mudcaster #5 Ships...
Mudcaster #5 is packed for shipping. It's made from a Cafe Dumonde coffee can. I forgot to make a good photo of it.
It has a slightly different head stock/tuning key design and I like it.
Solid packing. It was one week in shipping via USPS to Chicago and arrived across the country on a snowy day still in tune.
Here's the head stock. Looks more pleasing with the asymmetrical tuning keys than I expected.
I have a request for a custom build next. Stay tuned for adventures in instrument making.
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I will be posting some more photos of it once Peter puts it down. I was afraid he was going to bring it to bed with us last night.
I forgot to mention the free upgrade option. If he gets an amp and sees an electric model I make on the web site he can ship it back for a trade in.
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