Thursday, August 01, 2013

Another Ancestor...

I have been checking out an ancestor on my mom's mother's side of the family. Born in 1764 in Brunswick county Va. my 4th great grandfather Rowland Ledbetter, died in Chesterfield County South Carolina in 1839. He was a Revolutionary War Vet apparently drafted at the age of 16. Here is his name on a plaque of vets that is in Marshall County, Tenn:
What gets interesting about old Rowland is that he applied for a veteran pension in the year of his death, 1839 and was denied for the fact of not being able to prove he served longer that 6 months.Here is the transcription of this appearance before a board of some sort:

State of Tennessee Marshall County: On the 2nd day of September 1839 personally appeared in 
open Court before the Justices of the County Court of Marshall County now sitting Rowland 
Ledbetter a resident of the County & State aforesaid, aged about 75 years, who being first duly 
sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the 
benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. 
 That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and 
served as herein stated viz. At the age of 16 or 17 years I was drafted in Wake County North 
Carolina and served a tour of 3 months under the Command of General Butler [John Butler] & 
Colonel Lane, whose given name I do not now recollect, Captain James Hillsman and Lieutenant 
John Walls were my company officers. The precise date on which I entered the service I cannot 
now recollect, but to the best of my recollection & belief was about the first May 1780, the year 
before Lord Cornwallis was taken at Little York. We rendezvoused at Wake Court House North 
Carolina, and remained in that place until after the rise of the Legislature which was then in 
session at that place -- to protect the Assembly from the invasions of the Tories as soon as the 
Assembly rose we proceeded from Wake Court House through Johnston & Sampson Counties to 
Wayne County and met with General Butler at the widow Hush's in the County of Wayne, who 
gave us orders to march across Nuse [sic, Neuse] River and joined Major Hardin Griffin [sic, 
Hardy Griffin] where we remained under his command until the expiration of our 3 months. At 
which time and place we were discharged by said Major Griffin. At the next session of the 
General Assembly of North Carolina this about first March 1781, I volunteered to protect that 
body from the Tories who were then united under the command of one Colonel Fanning [David 
Fanning] for the purpose of attacking the Legislature then in session at Hillsboro North Carolina. 
I was commanded by Major Taylor, whose given name I do not now recollect, Captain John 
Trent and Lieutenant Robert Peoples and Ensign William Amos were my Company Officers. We 
remained at Hillsboro until the rise of the Legislature when we were discharged by Governor 
Martin & 2 months after we were discharged by Major Taylor My discharge for this term of 
service has been lost or mislaid so that it cannot be found. 
Where and in what year were you born? 
 I was born in Brunswick County Virginia in the year 1764. 
Have you any record of your age? 
 I have none 
Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the revolution, and 
where do you now live?  I lived in Wake County NC when callcalled into service & after that I lived in Nash & 
Robeson Counties North Carolina & I now live in Marshall County Tennessee on the waters of 
Bradshaw Creek.
How were you called into service?
I was drafted the first time & volunteered the 2nd time. 
Have you any documentary evidence to prove your services as a soldier of the Revolution? 
 I have none. 
State whether you were honorably discharged and if so what has become of your discharges. 
I was in both cases regularly discharged as above stated. My discharge from the first tour 
of service, which I received of Major Griffin accidentally got burnt. My last discharge received 
of Major Taylor has been lost or mislaid so that it cannot be found. 
State the names of some of the regular officers with the troops where you served; such company 
officers as you can recollect, & the general circumstances of your services.
 I cannot now recollect the names of any other officers than those above mentioned, nor 
any other troops than those already stated; nor can I at this late period give any better on account 
of the circumstances of my services than that above detailed; owing to infirmities both of body & 
State the names of the persons in your present neighborhood to whom you are known & who can 
testify as to your character for veracity & their belief as to your services as a soldier of the 
 I am known to Samuel Sansom [?], Solomon Meadows, G. W. McBride, Colonel Silas 
McClellan, Elijah Glenn & others.
I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declare 
that my name is not on the pension roll or agency of any State. 
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. 
S/ Rowland Ledbetter, X his mark 
S/ Martin W. Oakley, clk
[Samuel Sansom, a clergyman, Daniel Bachman, & William Shaw gave the standard supporting 

Apparently he was denied the pension but the fact of service could not be denied because in 1964 a person on the Wiley side of the family Floyd Murray Wiley applied for member ship in the Sons of the American Revolution in 1964 and was accepted Nov. 12, 1964.

 My question is, if I apply for membership and I should be easily accepted as there are Revolution vets on both side of my family do they give you the funny three corner hats or do you have to purchase that item yourself?  



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