Monday, November 11, 2013

Remembering the Vets...

Here's a few photos from my dad's World War Two service. Top photo is from Camp Fannin in  Tyler, Tx. where he did his basic training. It's cropped from a panoramic photo of the whole unit and my dad is end of the third row from the top. I would guess it dates from fall 1943. Camp Fannin trained infantry. These guys saw combat and because they were all infantry the casualty rates for those training here were higher that the overall WW2 rate. 

Second photo is probably after the war. My dad is on the right. Last photo is unidentified U.S. service personal walk through the Arc de Triumph in Paris. This photo is also from my dad's collection and is cropped up close. 

Here is a link to a recording I played on and it dates from fall 2005. Written by Dave Sarver it honors a vet he knew badly wounded in Iraq. Personal on the recording are Dave, vocals and guitar, LaRae vocals and keys, Jason on drums and me on bass and lap steel. Recorded by Dixon Shanks on pro tools. It's a rough mix and I think they may have taken the lap steel off and put on a cello. Stuff like that happens to you in the studio. On recent listening my bass sounds a bit like I listened to Down By the River too many times. 

Here's the link to This Ones for Sgt. Ryan

Thanks to the guys in the old photo. Some came back, some did not. Ryan came back but faces a life of hard ship because of his wounds. Let's remember and pray for them.      Posted by Picasa


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