Friday, January 10, 2014

So I Lost My Temper a Bit Today...

And I hate that. It's never a good thing. 

It was after work. One of those days where you work hard but things go well and you think to yourself, "gee I am really good at what I do and I like doing it." So maybe I'm a little full of myself. Maybe I was driving around town listening to the Jon Spenser Blues Explosion a little too loud. You are supposed to set that digital volume display to your age are't you? I stop and browse goods at a local merchant until they start loudly making statements "so and so said" concerning public education and certain students. It's comments that I consider to be racist and have serious doubts that the claims they were making about practices at a certain East Texas area school district could even be true. If there was an East Texas school administrator that was so lacking in integrity to allow such to happen it would explain the poor performance recently reported by many nearby school districts. I don't think that is the case. I have been there, done that. It's not how it is. 

Somehow it flashed on me and I spoke up that I could not see what they said could be true and had personal experiences to back my claim. Of course they insisted what they said was true. I did not argue. I just left my goods on the counter and walked away. 

So I am sorry if I got mad. I won't come in your store again. I won't make claims that I can't back up, claims that border on gossip and fear mongering.  I will back up what I believe in with action, prayer, money, whatever good thing it takes to change the world. I also will post this photo Cathy made of me standing by a life size Harry Truman statue at his presidential library this past summer. See, that's what it takes. Be life size. 


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