Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Went Fishing By Myself...

Cathy is down in Lake Jackson lending a hand to Rose so when I got off work today I headed to the lake. Some that are on facebook may have seen the immediate gratification photos. Here is what I ended up with after two hours of fishing. There's 15 nice fat cats in the tub. 
Not counting what I ate there's 6 pounds of filleted meat that went to the freezer. Seems like the last couple of trips they are biting "short." Does not seem like they take the hook well. I lost several after what seemed to be a good bite. Had a handful of throwbacks.  

Also had this one oddity. It's a black channel catfish We catch a lot that are light, some blueish and many of what Cathy Calls a willow cat but I think this is the first black one. Must be a rare bird because I bet we catch several hundred cats a year and this is the first I recall. I threw him back. I wanted to keep those weird genes in the pool.  . 

Photos don't really do it justice. 

For my Wallace cousins who were quick to hit like on the facebook photos I am fishing right around in the area our dads, uncles and grandfathers always fished. The old tall tree that my dad and his brother Leonard always baited up still stands. There are only a few trees still standing to mark the deep river bend Uncle Don liked but you can still find a place to tie up. Just behind me down the bank is the place where Uncle Sammy told me there was once a spring that the lake has covered. Good fishing places. They taught me. I have refined things a bit but with out the knowlege of where to start I might be one of those running around looking for the next greatest place to fish. 
On a recent trip with Warren and Coraline. I took Warren to the truck to back the trailer down while Cathy and Coraline ran the boat on. Coraline said, "This is what the girls do." She's right. I bet I have not run this boat on the trailer 10 times in the 10 years we have owned it. Cathy usually does it. I can still do it. I surprised myself today, running it on at the first pass with 20 MPH winds. 

Here's some man cooking. Grilled catfish with black bean and corn skillet casserole. It's all seasoned with handfuls of course ground black pepper. 

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