Friday, June 20, 2014

The Old Home Place...

Mary and Miguel recently bought a house. It's off Wallace Street. This is not a coincidence. Up until the 1940s the Wallace family lived on this street. On the way to visit the Zamoras I stopped and made these photos of the home site.  

The information I have is pretty sketchy. There is not really anyone around to ask and I regret that I got old and my relatives that had all this info passed before I got smart enough to ask about it. I welcome anyone who might correct me or add to what I know.  In the first photo you see stone steps made from petrified wood. This is the neighbors steps next to the Wallace place. I think their name was Lowery and they owned a grocery store. 

Petrified wood columns flank the sides of the Wallace neighbors drive way. I really don't know if these were here when my family was but the seem to have been here awhile. I am judging that from these fine decorations it was an upscale neighborhood. 
This shot looks from the left hand column down the petrified wood retaining wall. Wonder where all ths wood came from and who did this fine work? 

This is the drive way next door that may have been my families. Best my mother remembers the Wallaces moved to Jack Street near Winston Park during the mid 1940s while my dad was in Europe with the U/S. Army. She was not involved with them at this time so it is a second hand history to her. The Wallace house stood somewhere in this area. That's a trash dumpster at the end of the drive. I don't know why that's there. If you walked left through the big oak trees you would be looking at the back of Gipson Funeral home. I have been told that my great grandfather E Pluribus Unum Wallace was a grave digger for Gipsons but at that time the funeral home was not at this location. This is definitely a fine site for homes on this gentle rise with shady trees. 

Family history tells us that the Wallace boys were a contrary competitive bunch.  I have heard that if some of the older ones had a car instead of giving younger brother a lift they might be so selfish as to make the him walk into town to see a talking picture at the old Pines Theater which was actually pretty new at that time.  

The Pines still stands and has movies. The house on Jack Street where I remember visiting Granny Wallace stands and seems as if the neighborhood and old houses there might be getting fixed up a bit so there is a good chance that my kids will get to drive their kids by that house and tell a story about how as a child I stood at the adult's knee s at family Christmas celebrations and cried and begged for homemade egg nog or swung on a tree limb that broke and cause me to slide right into Granny's gold fish pond. 

Life happens where people are. I am glad Mary and Miguel moved to this area.  It will help us to make memories and keep memories.  



Anonymous Julie Duvall Tenney said...

I loved reading this, Carl, and will have to share with my mom! She may know moreā€¦ I have vague memories of Granny Wallace's goldfish pond! (and surely my sweet granddad would have never made his brothers walk! LOL!)

11:14 AM  
Blogger Carl said...

If your mom has a story or any info please share.

8:47 AM  

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