Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I Dreamed...

I dreamed last night that I was running. In the air. I was naked. Well not really naked but I did call the phone company and disconnected the land line. If you need to get us now it's on the cell which most people, my employer and even my mom use because they can get me most anytime. 

Here's my old phone. Other than the 5 gallon bucket full of portable second phones and answering machines I have owned that now reside in landfills this is the one the kids grew up using. Sorry kids about those bad grades they sent home in the early days of your schooling. You know the work sheets given a child to see if they can sequence tasks? Well they give out one for making a phone call. Only problem it was a push button phone pictured on the sheets. My kids had never seen one. They failed. I had to go talk to the teacher an all that kind of parental type stuff that did not well for the teacher in the fact that nothing was changed. I guess you can say that I finely changed.  

It had just gotten to where I received nothing but solicitations letting me know that my warranty had run out on my 9 year old car on this old phone. I kept my internet service with the local phone company and this will reduce my bill about $20 a month. That will give me an extra $240 a year to blow. I do still have some limited phone privileges. I can receive calls but I will unplug later today. I can make calls for a small fee. I can call 911 in the event cell phones are not charged or towers down or something like that which I kind of think if I don't get 911 on the cell they are not going to come anyway.  



Blogger Unknown said...

I took had a dream, and I was running. That is certainly a dream. I only walkmormride my bicycle.

Anyway, I gave up mthe landline a few years ago. Letting go was tough, but in the end, I truly like the freedom that I get from just my cell phone.

True that if we face the unthinkable, or undreamable, we could lose touch.

I will take my chances.


7:46 PM  

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